What remained...
The top photo was taken in New Orleans parish. You can see the high water mark over that rose over the first floor of this home. Imagine the loss. The second photo I took of a building just outside St. Bernard parish (Help 8 Souls, No Wake)...which clearly had been evac-ed through the roof. The final two photos are of the same home, where the water reached the roof. We went to this home in search of a beagle, and when we spoke to the owner's daughter, she still had no information (4 weeks after the storm and flooding) on where her Mother was or whether she was still alive. From the outside, you can't see how great the damage is to the home, but inside, this home was completely destoyed. The floorboards in the living room were warped 5 ft. high, and all the wet, moldy, bloated furniture had been wedged into each doorway and crevice. We had to crawl across mud, sludge and broken furniture, and up a broken attic stairway to look for the woman and her dog. Sadly, we found neither. We did photograph all the markings on the home though, and read them to the the woman's daughter. We hoped they might help her reunite with her Mother. And while I usually reserve this blog for animals, I felt these images were poignant this week, and should be shared. Remember, it still isn't over down there.