Wednesday, January 25, 2006

One on the way...!

There is good news tonight in Dogland...

Hoghead, the pit bull who tugged at our heartstrings in New Orleans (and gave us quite a run for our money, bless his little canine heart), is...are you ready for this?...IN TRANSIT on his way to Los Angeles!

Yes, in a couple of days, His Royal Hogheadedness will arrive in Hollywood, where he will be enrolled in "college"...(aka training with the masters!) In a few short hours, I will be headed out to pick him up and deliver him to the next step of his little journey. It seems almost too good to be true.

Thanks to the generous people who donated money, we had enough to put Hoggy's plan in motion. We are still hoping to raise the additional funds to bring Hoghead's sister Piglet out here as well, but we've haven't got enough just yet.

A special thanks goes out to the really special few who have offered to transport him from Dickson, TN, El Paso, TX, Arizona, New Mexico and California.

I'm amazed at how many people are willing to step in to help a dog in need, long after the tragedy. It's inspiring that even 6 months past the devastating rescues of the Katrina animals, people are still giving to the furry little ones in need. It's that kind of thing that makes me feel that I have touched life at its core. Seeing and experiencing the power of someone making a difference is an incomparable feeling--one that will forever change how I view life and what I choose to do with it.

See, good deeds, no matter how little they seem, really do change the world. It's so basic that we miss it. Yet here is a great example. If I've said it once, I'll say it again, PAY IT FORWARD.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Hollywood. It's Brad, Lacey's wonderful husband. I am on duty all night tonight and finally looked up your blog!

How's it going? Hoghead all taken care of? Well, better start looking busy around here, or I'll really have to work!
Bye, Bradley!

3:52 AM  

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