Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The little Loot we found

Eight months ago, this was what the little puppy we found in New Orleans looked like. I am posting it to remind myself of just how precarious those first days of his rescue were, and how many times he should have met his end, but didn't.

In this photo, he's nestled in with Trip, Lacey's three-legged pitbull rescue. Trip took an unusual liking (or tolerance for) little Loot, and acted as the surrogate "parent" for awhile. (Remember Dr. Seuss' , "Are you my mother?"

So, while I'm busily working on the Katrina story, I thought it might be good to post a shot of one of our success stories.

Stay tuned for more on the book, and perhaps an excerpt or two of its content!


Anonymous We Love Pets said...

When I read this article I am very happy. I really want this information. Thanks for this great information! Very informative, and I think you have answered the question I was looking for. Thanks for this great information! Very informative, and I think you have answered the question I was looking for. It’s very useful information for whom who loves their pets. Thanks for sharing.

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Animal Rescue said...

Hush, you are truly angel and hero. You clearly have a passion for what you are doing. I only wish their more people like you that would go to the lengths that you go. I’ve never met you, but I can honestly say you have a special place in my heart. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SELFLESS WORK YOU AND YOUR GROUP ARE DOING. Hopefully being on national TV will bring you the help that you sorely need. It’s a tragedy that there are people out there that do inhumane to critters that just want love. GOD BLESSES!!
This is the reason everyone should have their pets spayed or neutered. Please don't let your pets breed and send out more strays into the streets. If you don't have the finances todo this, there are many animal shelters and programs that will help you.

7:52 PM  

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